Division of Sports and Arthroscopic Surgery
Overview of Academic activities – Visiting professorship
Throughout the years, many visiting professors have been invited to the Division of Sports and Arthroscopic Surgery, at the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong. These world experts deliver lectures, perform surgical demonstrations, provide guidance in cadaveric and sawbone workshops and conduct teachings to medical student and orthopaedic trainee. These bring us fruitful academic interchange and memorable friendships.
John W. Thomas Byrd

In 2008, Doctor Thomas Byrd was invited as the 31stMB Lee Visiting Professor to visit the Division of Sports and Arthroscopic Surgery at the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong. He conducted a surgical demonstration and gave lectures in the Department from the 13thto the 20thof April.
Doctor Byrd served in the Nashville Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center in Nashville, Tennessee, United States and is the team physician for many sports teams in United States.
Doctor Byrd is the pioneer in hip arthroscopy. His publication in “Hip arthroscopy utilizing the supine position”in the 90’s led to a revolutionary change in the way that orthopaedic surgeons performed hip arthroscopy.
In 2008, Doctor Byrd visited our department and delivered the MB Lee Visiting Professor Lecture, “History of Hip Arthroscopy and How I Started”, during the fifth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum. Doctor Byrd also conducted a surgical demonstration on hip arthroscopy in supine position on the 17thof April, 2008 at Queen Mary Hospital. He also gave several other lectures on hip arthroscopy and femoroacetabular Impingement during the forum, such as the talk on “Fundamental Principals of Hip Arthroscopy”and “Labral Lesions and Impingement of the Hip”.
Eiji Itoi

In 2009, Professor Eiji Itoi was invited as the 30thSC Fong Visiting Professor to visit the Division from the 21stto the 27thof April.
Professor Itoi is a professor as well as the chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan.
Professor Itoi is the expert of shoulder surgery and shoulder biomechanics. Among his numerous publications, the research on “off-track” concept in describing bipolar bony deficiency changes the management of recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation in the whole world.
In 2009, he visited our department from the 21stto the 27thof April. Professor Itoi delivered the SC Fong Visiting Professor Lecture on the “Diagnosis and management of rotator cuff disease”during the sixth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum, and also gave a lecture on “Management of Shoulder Dislocation in the Elderly”.
During his visit, Professor Itoi conducted a surgical demonstration on shoulder arthroscopy in beach-chair position in Queen Mary Hospital and presented a lecture on “Management of Painful Shoulder”at the Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital.

Professor Itoi also taught us in the “HKU Shoulder Arthroscopy Workshop 2009”at Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. Many local Hong Kong surgeons benefited from his teaching at that time.

Mats Brittberg

In 2011, Professor Mats Brittberg was invited as a guest speaker at the “Evening Symposium on Cartilage Repair”hosted by the Division of Sports and Arthroscopic Surgery in May.
Professor Brittberg is aprofessor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, as well as the Past President of the International Cartilage Repair Society.
Professor Brittberg is the pioneer of cartilage repair. He developed the technique of autologous chondrocyte implantation, which is one of the most important surgical modalities in managing symptomatic cartilage lesion in young patients.
In 2011, he visited our department at the “Evening Symposium on Cartilage Repair” and delivered a lecture on the “Evolution of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation and Role in Managing Patients with Articular Cartilage Injuries”at Queen Mary Hospital on the 26thof May.

Freddie Fu

In 2011, Professor Freddie Fu was invited as the 34thMB Lee Visiting Professor to give lectures in August.
Professor Fu is the David Silver Professor and the Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, United States. Professor Fu specializes in Sports Medicine and holds secondary appointments as Professor of Physical Therapy, Health & Physical Activity, and Mechanical Engineering and serves as the Head Team Physician for the University of Pittsburgh Athletic Department.
Professor Fu is a “giant” in the field of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. He publishes extensively in this field.
In 2011, Professor Fu visited our department as the 34th MB Lee Visiting Professor. Doctor Fu delivered the MB Lee Visiting Professor Lecture on “Double Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction”at the eighth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum. He also gave several lectures on “Controversies in Management of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency”during the forum. Professor Fu also performed a surgical demonstration on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and delivered teaching in “HKU Knee Arthroscopy Workshop 2011”.

Seung-Ho Kim

In 2011, Doctor SH Kim was invited as a guest speaker in the eighth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum in August.
Doctor Kim is the Director of Madi Hospital, Korea, as well as a clinical professor at the Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea.
Doctor Kim is a well-respected shoulder surgeon in South Korea. He pioneered the service of shoulder arthroscopy in Seoul and is the teacher of many shoulder surgeons in Hong Kong. Among his many contributions in shoulder arthroscopy, the most well-known are SMC knot, Kim lesionand Kim testfor posterior labral lesion and Biceps load testfor SLAP.
In 2011, he delivered several lectures on “Management of Rotator Cuff Tear” and “Management of Anterior Shoulder Instability in Young Athletes” at the eighth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum. Dr. Kim also performed a number of surgical demonstrations on shoulder arthroscopy at that time.

Luc Favard

In 2011, Professor Luc Favard was invited as a guest speaker at the “Symposium on Reversed Total Shoulder Replacement”in September.
Professor Favard is theChief of the Orthopaedic Department of the University Hospital of Tours, France. He is a well-known shoulder expert in reverse shoulder arthroplasty.
In 2011, he visited our department to perform a surgical demonstration on reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Professor Favard also gave a lecture on
“Reversed total shoulder replacement”at the eighth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum.

Jaap (W.J.) Willems

In 2012, Doctor Jaap Willems was invited as the 9thTam Sai Kit Visiting Professor to give lectures and conduct surgical demonstrations from the 22ndto the 27thof May.
Doctor Willems is the formerChief of the Orthopaedic Department of Het Onze Lieve Vrouwe Grasthuis, Amsterdam,the Netherlands. He is a well-known shoulder expert in Europe.
In 2012, he visited our department to conduct a case conference on Shoulder Instability at the Duchess of Kent’s Children Hospital on the 23rdof May, as well as a surgical demonstration on arthroscopic rotator cuff repair at the Queen Mary Hospital on the 24thof May. Doctor Willems delivered the Tam Sai Kit Visiting Professor Lecture on “Management of chronic shoulder pain”during the ninth Hong Kong international Orthopaedic Forum. He also gave several lectures at the Shoulder Symposiums during the forum.

Phillipe Neyret

In 2013, Professor Phillipe Neyret was invited as the 10thHarry Fang Visiting Professor to participate in the tenth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum from the 16thto the 22ndof April.
Professor Neyret is a Professor at the University of Lyon, France, and is the Head of Department at Centre Livet, Hospital of Lyon, France. He was the president of International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) from 2015 – 2017.
In 2013, he delivered the Harry Fang Visiting Professor Lecture, “Management of Patellar Instability – The French Approach”, at the tenth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum. He also gave a lecture on management of post-traumatic arthritis in middle-aged athletes during the forum. Professor Neyret conducted a surgical demonstration at Queen Mary Hospital on combined anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and extra-articular tenodesis. This marked the beginning of the service of anterior-lateral ligament reconstruction in Queen Mary Hospital.

Angus Wallace

In 2014, Professor Angus Wallace was invited to visit the Division as the speaker of Hospital Authority Commissioned Training that year.
Professor Angus Wallace is a Professor of Orthopaedic and Accident Surgery at the University of Nottingham. He is a shoulder expert and is an old friend of orthopaedic society of Hong Kong. Professor Wallace was elected as the Honorary Fellow of Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons because of contribution in the fellowship examination of orthopaedic surgeons in Hong Kong.
During his visit in 2014, Professor Wallace performed surgical demonstration, conducted workshop and delivered lectures in reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA). This marked the beginning of the service of RSA in majority of regional hospitals in Hong Kong.

Andrew Carr

In 2014, Professor Andrew Carr was invited as the first AR Hodgson Visiting Professor to visit the Division from 11thto 16thof November.
Professor Carr is the Nuffield Professor of Orthopaedics and the Head of the Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. He is a clinician scientist and has extensive publications in basic science and shoulder surgery.
In 2014, he visited our department to participate in research meetings, and to give lectures during the Hong Kong Orthopaedics Association Annual Congress, as well as during the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons Specialty Day in Sports Medicine. Professor Carr delivered the first AR Hodgson Visiting Professor Lecture on the title “Bio-active scaffolds for soft tissue repair” at Queen Mary Hospital on the 12thof November.

Rene Verdonk
In 2016, Professor Rene Verdonk was invited to visit the Division as the speaker of Hospital Authority Commissioned Training that year.
Professor Verdonk is a Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and previous head of the department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium. He is an expert in knee surgery. Among his many publications, the most well-known research are the work on meniscus transplant and development of artificial meniscus implant.
During his visit in 2016, Professor Verdonk shared with us his wisdom in development of artificial scaffold for irreparable meniscal tear and the tips and pearls in surgical implantation of these meniscal scaffold. This marked the beginning of the service of artificial meniscal scaffold implantation in Hospital Authority.

Hatem Galal El-Din Zaki Said

In 2018, Professor Hatem G Said was invited as the 14thTam Sai Kit Visiting Professor to visit our department from the 18thto the 22ndof April.
Professor Said is a Professor of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery at the Assiut University Hospital, Egypt. Professor Said specializes in Trauma Surgery, Arthroscopic Shoulder, Hip & knee surgery Knee and Hip Arthroplasty.
In 2018, he visited our department to give lectures at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. Professor Said delivered the Tam Sai Kit Visiting Professor Lecture on “The role of arthroscopy in management of hip pain” during the fifteenth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum. He also gave several lectures on shoulder tendinopathy and the treatment of proximal humerus fractures during the forum.

Yang-Soo Kim

In 2018, Professor Yang-Soo Kim was invited as the 15thTam Sai Kit Visiting Professor to visit the Division from the 3rdto the 7thof November.
Professor Kim is a professor of the Shoulder Surgery of Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Catholic University of Korea. In 2018, he visited our department to deliver the Tam Sai Kit Visiting Professor Lecture on “The current trend in management of rotator cuff tear”.

Prepared by Miss Hazelle Nevada Yau
(participant of secondary school student attachment program July 2019)