
To, Kai-Tsun Michael
Clinical Professor
Division of Paediatric Orthopaedics
Research interests
- Nanomedicine in tissue regeneration – basic and clinical research in silver nanoparticles in enhancing collagen formation and spatial orientation of regenerated tissue
- Design of drug delivering system for orthopaedic application using microfluidic system – PLGA-alginate core-shell microspheres with controlled size and homogeneous shells for drug delivery
- Genetic studies for skeletal dysplasia especially osteogenesis imperfecta
- Limb deformity correction for skeletal dysplasia
- Electrophysiology and motion analysis for patients with movement disorders
Clinical interests
- Metabolic bone disease
- Neuromuscular disease
- Paediatric trauma
- Congenital anomalies and bone dysplasia
Research publications
Book Chapters:
- Management of Syndromic Scoliosis (Chinese publication)
《综合征性脊柱侧凸的诊断与治疗》(第二版)(负责:成骨不全、Bruck综合征章节)组织方:北京协和医院,出版社:人民卫生出版社,2021年启动,出版时间2023年 - Guidelines for Musculoskeletal Disease Rehabilitation and Orthotics Application (Chinese publication)
《儿童骨骼肌肉疾病康复与辅具应用指南》(负责:成骨不全、儿童骨折章节)组织方:中国康复医学会,出版社:人民卫生出版社,2020年启动,出版时间待定 - Cheung K., To M., Ho D. and Song Y-Q. (2015), “Genetics”, in: B. Akbarnia, M. Yazici and G. Thompson, ed., The Growing Spine: Management of Spinal Disorders in Young Children, 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer. pp. 15-30.
- Cheung K., To M., Kwan K. and Qiu Y. (Forthcoming), “Pre-operative Evaluation and Imaging Techniques in AIS”, in: S. Landis, ed., AOSpine Masters Series Volume 9: Pediatric Spinal Deformity. New York: Thieme Publishers.
Five most representative publications (*First author or correspondence):
- Tan Z, Chen P, Zhang J, Shek HT, Li Z, Zhou X, Zhou Y, Yin S, Dong L, Feng L, Wong JSH, Gao B, To MKT*. Multi-omics analyses reveal aberrant differentiation trajectory with WNT1 loss-of-function in type XV osteogenesis imperfecta. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2024. Accepted to be published. Corresponding author. IF: 6.74.
- Wong JSH, To MKT*. Prognosticating residual dysplasia at skeletal maturity after closed reduction of developmental dysplasia of the hip – a long-term study with average 20-year follow-up. The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. 2024. Accepted to be published. Corresponding author. IF: 4.58.
- Shen Y, Liu Y, Nunes JK, Wang C, Xu M, To MKT*, Stone HA, Shum HC. Fibro-Gel: An All-Aqueous Hydrogel Consisting of Microfibers with Tunable Release Profile and its Application in Wound Healing. Adv Mater, 2023. 35(19): p. e2211637. Co-Corresponding. IF: 30.85.
- Kwan KH, Yeung KW, Liu X, Wong K.K.Y., Shum H.C., Lam Y.W., Cheng S.H., Cheung K.M.C. and To M.K.T*. Silver nanoparticles alter proteoglycan expression in the promotion of tendon repair. Nanomedicine 2014; 10(7): 1375-83. (Corresponding author)
- Kwan KH, Liu X, To MKT*, Yeung KW, Ho CM, Wong KK. Modulation of collagen alignment by silver nanoparticles results in better mechanical properties in wound healing. Nanomedicine 2011; 7(4): 497-504. (3/6; first co-author)
Ten recent publications:
- Tan Z, Chen P, Zhang J, Shek HT, Li Z, Zhou X, Zhou Y, Yin S, Dong L, Feng L, Wong JSH, Gao B, To MK. Multi-omics analyses reveal aberrant differentiation trajectory with WNT1 loss-of-function in type XV osteogenesis imperfecta. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2024. Waiting to be published. Corresponding author. IF: 6.74.
- Wong JSH, To MK. Prognosticating residual dysplasia at skeletal maturity after closed reduction of developmental dysplasia of the hip – a long-term study with average 20-year follow-up. The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. 2024. Waiting to be published. Corresponding author. IF: 4.58.
- Tan Z, Chen P, Dong X, Guo S, Leung VY, Cheung JP, Chan D, Richardson SM, Hoyland JA, To MK, Cheah KS. Progenitor-like cells contributing to cellular heterogeneity in the nucleus pulposus are lost in intervertebral disc degeneration. Cell Reports. 2024 Jun 25;43(6). Co-author. IF: 9.42.
- Leung AO, Poon AC, Wang X, Feng C, Chen P, Zheng Z, To MK, Chan WC, Cheung M, Chan D. Suppression of apoptosis impairs phalangeal joint formation in the pathogenesis of brachydactyly type A1. Nature Communications. 2024 Mar 12;15(1):2229. Co-author. IF: 14.92.
- Chen P, Zhou Y, Tan Z, Lin Y, Lin DL, Wu J, Li Z, Shek HT, Wu J, Hu Y, Zhu F, Chan D, Cheung KCM, To MKT. Scoliosis in osteogenesis imperfecta: identifying the genetic and non-genetic factors affecting severity and progression from longitudinal data of 290 patients. Orphanet J Rare Dis. (2023). Corresponding author. IF: 3.52.
- Lin J, Chen P, Tan Z, Sun Y, Tam WK, Ao D, Shen W, Leung VY, Cheung KMC, To MKT. Application of silver nanoparticles for improving motor recovery after spinal cord injury via reduction of pro-inflammatory M1 macrophages. Heliyon, 2023. 9(5): p. e15689. Corresponding author. IF: 1.86.
- Wong DLL, Mong PT, Ng CY, Ong CK, Qian Z, Shao MH, Sin LKE, Wong BY, Wong CM, Cheung JPY, To M. Can anterior vertebral body tethering provide superior range of motion outcomes compared to posterior spinal fusion in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? A systematic review. Eur Spine J (2023). Corresponding author. IF: 3.13.
- Tan Z, Shek HT, Chen P, Dong Z, Zhou Y, Yin S, Qiu A, Dong L, Gao B, To MKT. Clinical features and molecular characterization of Chinese patients with FKBP10 variants. Mol Genet Genomic Med, 2023. 11(4): p. e2122. Corresponding author. IF: 2.18.
- Shen Y, Liu Y, Nunes JK, Wang C, Xu M, To MKT, Stone HA, Shum HC. Fibro-Gel: An All-Aqueous Hydrogel Consisting of Microfibers with Tunable Release Profile and its Application in Wound Healing. Adv Mater, 2023. 35(19): p. e2211637. Co-Corresponding. IF: 30.85.
- Tan Z, Shek HT, Dong Z, Feng L, Zhou Y, Yin S, Qiu A, Dong L, Gao B, Chen P, To MKT. Retrospective analyses of clinical features in 28 Chinese patients with type V osteogenesis imperfecta: new perspectives in an old issue. Osteoporosis Int, 2023. 34(2): p. 369-377. Corresponding author. IF: 4.51.