HKUMed Surgeon and Engineer Create AI-Driven Scoliosis App

Challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic inspired Professor Jason Cheung and Professor Grace Zhang from the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology to combine their expertise and create an app that uses AI to monitor scoliosis in patients. By taking a picture of the patient’s back and uploading it to the app, families can track the shape of the young person’s spine from the comfort of home, reducing the need for visits to the clinic.

Read the full article on Medium. Video interview in also available on Youtube.

過去幾年,脊柱側彎病童在疫情影響下無法親身到診所進行篩檢,錯過治療黃金期 。有見及此,港大醫學院臨床醫學學院矯形及創傷外科學系臨床教授鍾培言及香港大學數碼健康研究室負責人助理教授張騰,提出透過人工智能應用程式 AlignPro,讓病人安在家中監測病情,減省不必要的診所到訪。 脊柱側彎病人只需自行拍攝背部照片上傳至應用程式,人工智慧模型便能提供疾病進展的分析,並為醫生提供重新評估或到診所就診等建議。
