Tuen Mun Summer Heat Prevention Occupational Health and Wellness Carnival and Awards Ceremony 2023

【Speaking at Local Event】 Dr. Lam Chor Yin, who previously worked at Tuen Mun Hospital, recently attended the Tuen Mun Summer Heat Prevention Occupational Health and Wellness Carnival and Awards Ceremony 2023 as the Vice Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Council 職業安全健康局. He treasured that moment dearly. In his speech, Dr. Lam emphasized the significance of safeguarding workers under hot environments against heat stroke. Over the years, the Occupational Safety and Health Council and the Labour Department have collaborated to promote activities aimed at preventing heat stroke at work.

曾經喺屯門醫院工作既林楚賢醫生,日前以職安局副主席既身份出席屯門夏日防暑職安健嘉年華暨頒獎典禮2023暨屯門新市鎮成立五十週年活動,特別有感覺。 林醫生致辭時提到,响酷熱環境下工作既工友,隨時中暑,所以多年來職安局同勞工處都會合作推廣預防工作時中暑既活動。

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