【Feature 專題】A Long Road Ahead Passing Down the Torch 任重道遠 薪火承傳
A Long Road Ahead Passing Down the Torch 任重道遠 薪火承傳
The Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of HKUMed is celebrating its 60th Anniversary. It championed revolutionary and sophisticated subspecialty development, kept ahead with the needs of the community while at the same time striving for groundbreaking research and innovation to lead the way in medicine. The Department’s core values of nurture and legacy have been closely observed by the two previous and incumbent Department Heads, Professor Kenneth Cheung Man-chee and Associate Professor Jason Cheung Pui-yin.
港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系自1961 年成立以來,一直致力與香港以至全球骨科專業並肩發展,於不同領域屢獲殊榮,緊貼社會發展需要,致力研究創新,務求「標本兼治、領先同業」。剛卸任系主任的張文智教授和剛接棒的臨床副教授鍾培言恪守培育與傳承學系的核心價值,一起創造未來。
https://www.med.hku.hk/assets/ebooks/v26i2/30/ (p. 30-41)
<Published in “HKUMed News” Volume 26, Issue 2, December 2021)
<刊載於 “HKUMed News” Volume 26, Issue 2,2021年12月>