骨科病的迷思 Orthopaedic Myths

許多病人求醫的目的不是因為身體殘疾或不適,而是因他們對一些健康問題或治療有誤解。這往往產生大量不必要的壓力,甚至浪費許多不必要的金錢。誤解可能來自互聯網或一些代代相傳不正確的傳統觀念,並把一些正常的東西視為不正常。然而,許多資訊往往缺乏科學證據。 本網站的目的是幫助澄清一些常見骨科病的誤解,使大眾不會被不準確的信息所誤導,並減少因骨科病謎思產生的心理壓力和浪費不必要的資源。

Many patients often consult their doctors because of their misunderstandings regarding their health or treatment. This creates lots of psychological burden and unnecessary medical consultations. The misunderstanding may come from incorrect information from the Internet or traditional beliefs, which have been passed on for generations. Unfortunately, many of these beliefs often lack of scientific evidence. The aim of this website is to help clarify some common misunderstandings related to orthopaedic diseases. Hopefully, this can help reduce psychological stress and unnecessary medical consultations caused by these orthopaedic myths.


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